
Digitized Contracts

Digitizing Key Contract Terms

VKey maps data contracts and digitizes contract terms to enable data consumers to easily identify and understand key terms. VendEx Solutions’ team of market data experts map contracts to more than 145 terms in 8 categories, leveraging artificial intelligence and optical character recognition to accelerate this process.

  • A complete view of all agreements, in one place: all addendums, agreements, schedules, pricing sheets, etc., are mapped to the correct master agreement
  • Manage contract renewals and terminations
  • Comply with complex data usage rights
  • Quickly assess internal contract compliance and risk
  • Ensure all legal, contract, and data management staff have the correct legal T&Cs for any product
  • Compare current and historical terms
  • Access contracts anywhere with cloud-based hosting


  • VendEx manages the process end-to-end:
  • Document upload and mapping to agreements
  • Digitization and mapping to individual terms and categories


  • Self-Service Module can be licensed for in-house contract management
  • Utilizes all VKey technological capabilities, contract categories, and database infrastructure
  • Can be deployed within the confines of a corporate firewall

Golden Source Output

  • Identify and eliminate duplicate documents
  • Mapping contracts to Document Family Groups
  • Repository of active and historical working documents

Digitization Output

  • Extracting key contract terms
  • Digitization of key contract terms
  • Compare historical terms